Does Reputation Matter When Choosing a Flight School?


by Brian Williamson
Flying Often Reduces Cost of Flight Training

Reputation is a peculiar thing. While the reputation of the institutions we associate with says a lot about quality and desirability, reputation is a uniquely subjective term. To a point.

 When planning for retirement most of us would prefer to find a highly regarded financial planner to advise us. When shopping for a home we tend to prefer builders with a history of doing quality work. If selecting a college we look to graduation rates, success of the alumni, overall cost, and the level of prestige the school holds on the national scale.

 The same is true when selecting a flight school. Flight training is an investment we make in ourselves. It prepares us for a future that differs significantly from the one that awaits those who can’t or won’t fly. We see our fellow pilots achieving levels of success in their lives, in personal terms as well as in setting and achieving professional goals. It doesn’t take long for us to realize that earning a pilot’s certificate can benefit us in more ways that we can fully comprehend.

 Given all that, it only makes sense that our choice of flight school is a significant factor in reaching, or not quite reaching our goals.

 With decades of proven success behind us, Rexair stands tall in the field of flight training. From our CEO and managing partner Keith West, through the ranks of our Certificated Flight Instructors, to our line staff and front desk personnel, high quality service is built into our DNA.

 Keith West’s training as a midshipman at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, through to his time as an officer flying attack aircraft from U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, to his experience as a leader of the Flight Training Initiative at AOPA (Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association), has all focused our managing partner on the task of providing exceptional value to those he flies with and serves. Keith brings a wealth of experience and proven leadership abilities to the world of general aviation flight instruction.

 As you can imagine, being an employee at a flight school led by an individual with such a stellar resume tends to help Rexair find, train, and work with a cohort of CFIs, line staff, and front desk personnel who set a high standard for themselves on a daily basis.

 Does reputation matter? Certainly, it does. Especially so when the measurement is made in terms of customer satisfaction, client success rates, and the safe operation of all facets of the flight training operation. We are confident that as you research your flight training options you will find that Rexair’s reputation as a destination for high quality flight training is the result of a decades long history of working so well with so many satisfied customers.

Whether you’re just getting started in aviation or plan on making a career of the industry, the staff at Rexair is ready and willing to serve you as you deserve to be treated. With respect, commitment, and encouragement to fulfill your personal dreams of flight.