Flight Training in Florida

There is a reason that Florida is the premiere flight training destination in the world. Actually, there are several reasons. All of which cause locals and transients alike to seek out airports, flight schools, and training opportunities in the Sunshine State.

“Learn to Fly Here,” should rightfully be featured on a sign alongside the highway as travelers enter the state.

Anyone who wants to fly, regardless of where they live should seriously consider doing their flight training in Florida. Consider just these few reasons that Florida ranks Number 1 in flight training.

The weather is stellar. During the winter months when the freezing levels come down to the ground in the northern latitudes, Floridians continue to wear short sleeve shirts, no socks, and no jacket. A typical afternoon sees temperatures in the 70s, with overnight lows dipping into the 60s.

From the panhandle to the southern tip of the peninsula Florida boasts more than 500 airports. Of those, more than 350 are privately owned, although many are open to the public. Which means, even a flight student can land there, fuel up, grab lunch, and depart again.

There are two dozen international airports in Florida as well. Ranging in size and scope from the diminutive but bustling Key West International, to the expansive Lakeland Linder International in the middle of the state, and even the behemoths like Miami, Orlando, and Tampa International. All provide port-of-entry services for those who seek adventure flying to the Bahamas or islands further south.

And of course, having the ability to fly a low pass over the 15,000-foot Space Florida Launch and Landing Facility (the same runway the Space Shuttle landed on for many years) is an epic experience that only happens on the big sandbar we know as Florida.

The pilot talent pool in Florida is unparalleled, too. With facilities that cater to new student pilots, recreational flyers, corporate pilots in command, airline workers, and even astronauts – Florida is an aeronautical wonderland where aircraft of every size and shape ply the gentle breezes of this corner of the world on a daily basis.

Here are Rexair we take great joy in departing Naples Airport, flitting out to the Gulf of Mexico, and paralleling the coast as we fly off to an island adventure, or an introductory flight lesson, or anything in between. For its beauty, its weather, the plethora of airport options, the extraordinarily broad spectrum of talented pilots and instructors here, Florida is the ideal place to learn to fly.

Give us a call or shoot us an email. It would be our pleasure to help you get in the game, see the sights, and go home with a pilot certificate in your pocket.

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